Bryan Daniels Named Senior Project Manager

Bryan Daniels built his first website when he was a teen, a single-page fan site for a band.

Photo of Senior Project Manger Bryan Daniels“I’ve been working with websites since I was 13 years old. I started out teaching myself HTML and building a webpage with Notepad. It’s just something that has always interested me,” Daniels said.

His passion for learning and interest in website development led him to join the then-small team of three at Skvare in 2015. Fast forward 7 years and not only has the company grown but so has Daniels’ role. Today, he is the Senior Project Manager helping to guide a team that now includes multiple project managers, developers, and DevOps team members working on bigger and more complex websites that include national and international organizations. Daniels describes his new position at Skvare as a support and leadership role. As Senior Project Manager, Daniels said he will be working on developing more standardized project methodologies, tools, and communication. He also said he helps oversee the bigger picture and understand the client’s overall needs while other project managers focus on the day-to-day requests.

“I’m still going to be working on projects but I’m going to be helping people learn best practices, tools, and methodologies; get everyone aligned with project management,” he said. “I’m going to think more about the bigger picture.”

Daniels majored in radio, television, and film at the University of North Texas and worked as a portrait photographer for more than 2 years before he went to work for a marketing agency where he started working on the company’s website.

“It kind of happened naturally. My first job was as a front desk person at a small marketing agency,” Daniels said. “And that kind of morphed into ‘Hey you know web stuff, can you help with this.’”

Daniels and his wife have two small children ages 5 and 7. When not working, he said having adventures with his family is his main pastime.

“They keep me pretty busy,” he said. “Playing with the kids is the main thing I do now, and I really enjoy it.”

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