Custom CiviCRM / Drupal Integration for Chapters

The International Mountain Bicycling Association (IMBA) is a network of local chapters, individual riders and passionate volunteers working together for the benefit of the mountain biking community. IMBA helps members find trails close to home as well as resources for building and protecting trails. The association website utilizes CiviCRM and Drupal 8 to provide resources to members as well as empower local chapters to see reports on new memberships, membership renewals, and send emails to their members. As the membership organizations scale, it becomes more and more important to automate features, get information to their members quicker, and reduce costs.

Key Features

Automatically resize CiviCRM images

When a user signs up for a membership, they are asked to select a local chapter in their area. The chapter information is stored in their CiviCRM contact record which can be used by the chapters to send information specific to their local chapter. In order to be environmentally conscious, members are encouraged to receive information digitally. If a new member signs up for paperless communication, then a digital membership packet is sent to the user upon sign-up. These membership packets contain your official membership card that includes the logo of your local chapter. The chapter logos themselves, are not always the correct dimensions for the membership cards and can appear distorted.

To address this issue, Skvare created a custom extension called Image Resize. This extension allows you to create image styles that scale CiviCRM images to specific dimensions. This is very similar to Drupal core feature, image styles. Image styles can apply to the CiviCRM contact image or a custom image field on the CiviCRM contact record.


Once an image style is applied to our digital membership packet, the logos are no longer distorted. also provides tools for the local chapters to manage and market to their members.


Admins of the local chapters have a custom chapter dashboard that empowers them to manage the following items:

Customize page copy and receipt text

Chapter admins can customize the copy that appears on the Join and Renew pages, as well as the text that appears on the members’ receipt.


Who can view and edit the chapter dashboard

Officers can be added to gain access to the chapter dashboard and access to change the chapter content can be granted per user. Once officers are added, a new relationship is created between the individual and chapter contact records in CiviCRM.


Membership Roster and Reports

Chapter officers can view their membership roster which can be filtered by CiviCRM membership statuses or by name. Reports provide information on the number of membership joins and renewals per month as well as a breakdown of the average revenue from each individual member.



Compose bulk emails

Chapter admins can create email templates using the simple drag and drop email builder from the CiviCRM extension, Mosaico.


Email Sign-up Forms

Chapters can customize and email sign-up forms. Admins can select which fields to include in the form, choose if the form should use reCAPTCHA, and define the redirect URL. This tool will generate HTML that can be embedded in the chapter website. A report is also provided to get a list of subscribers that filled out the form.


IMBA resources

Chapters can download IMBA resources to help maintain branding and master copies of documents.

Image page builder

Rather than having a different template for each Drupal content type or using the new Drupal 8 Layout builder, that Paragraphs module is utilized to simplify content creation as well as define page layouts. With Drupal 8’s layout builder, it requires you to create custom blocks that are then placed on the page. The advantage of paragraphs is that you have custom fields for each section within the page, making content creation easier for the end user.



Once the sections have been created, content creators can easily reorder sections with the drag and drop interface.

As an organization grows, it is important that their website can easily scale as well. Ease of use and automation are a necessity so the organization can focus on what they need to focus on - their cause. For association websites like IMBA, they also need to make sure that the related groups/chapters that may not be familiar with your system can easily make changes to their own content. With CiviCRM tightly integrated into the website, as well as forms embedded into local chapter websites, a master database of record allows the association to report on data across the numerous chapters and affiliates.

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