Get Drush command line support for CiviCRM

Using Drush with Drupal is standard practice for most developers, but since CiviCRM support was removed, many find themselves having to switch between separate command-line tools for each environment.

Seeing a need for continued Drush support in CiviCRM, Skvare’s developers released the CiviCRM Drush module for Drupal 8 and Drupal 9. Just as with Drupal, this module allows developers to support CiviCRM through a single command-line tool and continue previously established workflows.


Once installed and configured, the CiviCRM Drush module supports many commonly used commands:

civicrm:api (cvapi) CLI access to CiviCRM APIs.
civicrm:db-validate Valid CiviCRM Database.
civicrm:disable-debug Disable CiviCRM Debugging.
civicrm:enable-debug Enable CiviCRM Debugging.
civicrm:ext-disable (ced) Disable a CiviCRM extension.
civicrm:ext-install (cei) Install a CiviCRM extension.
civicrm:ext-list (cel List of CiviCRM extensions enabled.
civicrm:ext-uninstall (ceui) Uninstall a CiviCRM extension.
civicrm:member-records Run the CiviMember UpdateMembershipRecord cron (civicrm-member-records).
civicrm:process-mail-queue Process pending CiviMail mailing jobs.
civicrm:rest (cvr Rest interface for accessing CiviCRM APIs.
civicrm:restore Restore CiviCRM codebase and database back from the specified backup dir.
civicrm:route-rebuild Adds a route rebuild option for CiviCRM.
civicrm:sql-cli (cvsqlc) Open a SQL command-line interface using CiviCRM's credentials.
civicrm:sql-conf Print CiviCRM database connection details.
civicrm:sql-connect A string for connecting to the CiviCRM DB.
civicrm:sql-dump Exports the CiviCRM DB as SQL using mysqldump.
civicrm:sql-query Execute a query against the CiviCRM database.
civicrm:update-cfg (cvupcfg) Update config_backend to correct config settings.
civicrm:upgrade (cvup) Replace CiviCRM codebase with new specified tarfile and upgrade database.
civicrm:upgrade-db (cvupdb) Execute the civicrm/upgrade?reset=1 process from the command line.


With Drush for Drupal and CiviCRM Drush, developers can continue to use the same command-line interface for both environments.

Learn more about how Skvare’s team of Drupal and CiviCRM experts help organizations better deliver on their missions when their technology does more.


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