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How to Create a Entity Reference View

The Entity Reference module is a useful Drupal 7 module because it can be used to reference any entity from a field added to any other entity. For example, you can add an entity reference field to the Basic Page content type, which references taxonomy terms of vocabulary (bundle) tags. When you are creating a page and want to reference a particular term, it may help the user to see a custom format for the terms. By default the term name will be displayed for the terms that can be ...
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Understanding and Using Views Contexual Filters

Views Contextual Filters is a feature of the Views module that allows a Views to accept filtering from url or other inputs. This allows you to create lists that depend on conditional or user input. There are many reasons why you may want to filter a list based on url input. Take for example a list of articles. You may have many articles and wish to categorize them. In the case of this website, I'd like to be able to filter my article lists by the different Tags I give ...
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EVA and Entity Reference Use Case How-to

This article describes the building of a practical example use case using modern Drupal 7 modules and site building techniques. I will show how to use Views, EVA, Fieldgroup, Entity Reference, Entity Reference Prepopulate, and Display Suite modules to display content from multiple content types and other Drupal Entities on an article content type page. The goal is build a review system for the article content type. Modules Modules used in this how-to. Display Suite Display Suite allows you to take full control over how your content is displayed using ...
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Non-existent URLs in Views 2

Views 2 serves pages with for non-existent URLs instead of presenting a 404 Not Found Error. A view with page display path set to blog creates a valid link at This will show a list of blog posts, with an individual article at However, an accidental link to will provide content from instead of the expected 404 Not Found Error, since no valid content exists there. This is a usability as well as SEO issue. Searching discussions on Drupal and Groups.Drupal yielded the right answers. The ...
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Hierarchical site and menu structure

Since Drupal stores all pages in a database, the webmaster is responsible for creating a hierarchical organization of the content. The visitors and search engines then navigate through a logically subdivided site structure. Native Drupal URL for a page is or A user- and SEO-friendly URL is Modules needed: Menu (core) Path (core) Pathauto Token Ensure that Clean URLs (/admin/settings/clean-urls) are enabled. Open the Pathauto admin control panel - Administer > Site configuration > Pathauto Expand the Node path settings pane. Enter [menupath-raw] into the default path ...
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Sort Multiple Formats of Date Fields in Views

Scenario: two or more content types. First content type uses a CCK Date field with date, hours, minutes, while the other content type(s) only need a date field without the hours and minutes. Because a CCK Date field sets the granularity globally, most users set up two different fields with two different granularity settings. This works well, until there is a need to display all of the content sorted by date - Views can't sort and/or merge two independent fields and then do a global sort. The answer is surprisingly ...
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Node ID as View Argument from SEO-friendly URL Path

Scenario: two content types - department, employee. Employee has a CCK node reference back to department, with a Pathauto setting for URL generation in the format of department/employee. Within the Views page views we want 2 or more separate lists, perhaps one displaying current associated employee projects, and another one all past projects. The respective page displays would have paths set to department/%/current and department/%/past, with % being the employee argument used within the view. Normally, that's not a problem as the argument can be set to Provide default argument ...
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Remove Tabs and Elements from CKEditor Dialog Window

Sometimes having too many options confuses the end users, or it allows them to play with functions you would rather not expose. This came from a futile attempt to communicate the relevance of using site contact forms instead of exposing email addresses with mailto:// links - bots and spammers harvest these automatically, and then your (and your company's) inbox are overflowing with spam. Here is how to remove tabs and elements from the heavily JavaScripted CKEditor dialog windows. This approach works with the standalone editor, with Drupal's WYSIWYG module, or ...
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