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Open Source CiviCRM Extension for Custom Field Limit Notifications

Skvare is proud to announce the release of the CiviCRM - Database Custom Field Check. The DBCF extension notifies the user when no additional custom fields can be added to a custom field group because the table size has reached its limit. This prevents the user from creating a field that cannot be used, saving time and frustration. By notifying users when no additional custom fields can be added to a custom field group, the extension helps prevent wasted effort and ensures that data is accurately stored and used. Custom ...
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Keep CiviCRM Clean and Fast with Skvare's New Manage Group Extension

Skvare is excited to announce the release of a new CiviCRM extension - Manage Group. This extension was developed to make group management easier and more efficient for CiviCRM users. As a feature-rich CRM system, CiviCRM allows organizations to group contacts together in various ways, including basic and smart groups. However, outdated and unused groups can have a significant performance impact on the system, which can ultimately hinder an organization's productivity. Regular maintenance and monitoring of CiviCRM is just as important as spring cleaning a home. With Skvare's Manage Group ...
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Our Open-Source Tool Belt

At Skvare, we love using open-source software that comes with a great deal of functionality right of the box. Because open-source software is crowd-sourced, its major benefits are flexibility, security, and cost effectiveness. Unlike proprietary software, open-source software can be altered and extended by anyone, meaning if the tools doesn’t already do exactly what you want it to do, you can change it. This also allows you to leverage features that other developers have already created. Take a peak out the open-source tools we could not live without.
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