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Why CiviCRM Long Term Support (LTS) is important

Long Term Support (LTS) releases of CiviCRM are versions that are maintained for use by organizations for multi-year periods of time. The first official version of CiviCRM released as a LTS was version 4.4 and announced in October of 2014. 4.4 was the official LTS version until CiviCRM 4.7 was released, at which point version 4.6 was officially designated as the new LTS. The CiviCRM Core Team and several partners and contributors maintained version 4.4 and 4.6 until 2017, when Skvare and Compucorp officially took responsibility for the maintenance of CiviCRM 4.6 LTS. Why have a Long Term

Creating Learning Management Systems with Drupal

Online learning is a burgeoning sector of the web development space. There are two factors driving this trend are the need for organizations. First the need to teach specific information that isn’t taught in or pertinent to formal education. Secondly, the dropping barrier to entry cost of creating digital learning content and online learning management systems has made it affordable for organizations of any size to implement. Almost every organization can benefit from an online learning system. Examples include: Training employees or volunteers with specialized information Legally verify

Drupal/CiviCRM Integration

Example Use Case This example is a one event page that has tabs of many types of content and views attached, and it allows an anonymous user to view the info, see registered participants, register for the event via one webform. This also automatically creates a contact, membership, active drupal user, and participant event registration to the event, logs in the user, and sets his user entered password via text field on the webform. Using this method, you can create easily customizable membership joins and event registration pages, which leverages the full gauntlet of advanced Drupal 7 modules

17NTC LMS Session Notes

Session: Learning Management Systems (LMS): Creating Desired Outcomes Collaborative notes Learning resources Photos 17NTC - Learning Management Systems (LMS): Creating Desired Outcomes from Skvare

CiviCRM Entity - Customizing and Adding Entity Types

CiviCRM Entity is a Drupal module that exposed CiviCRM API entities and actions as Drupal entity types. By installing the module over 40 CiviCRM entities are exposed to Drupal. This is great, but not all API entities are exposed by this module yet, and often developers write their own custom APIs. There are also times when you may want to customize the settings for how CiviCRM Entity integrates the API with Drupal. CiviCRM Entity is extendable, and by implementing one hook, you easily expose other API entities or alter the settings for already exposed entities. In this blog article we will

U of M breaks records on Give to the Max Day 2017

Give to The Max Day is a collaborative venture led by Minnesota Community Foundation and many other organizations committed to helping make the state of Minnesota a better place. The University of Minnesota Foundation started a major push to participate in Give to the Max Day around 2012. From year to year both the University and the Give to the Max campaign have broken their records, raised more money, and received more gifts than the previous years. This year, donors from across the globe make more than 3,300 gifts to the University of Minnesota, surpassing a record-breaking $1.4 million.

CiviCRM Entity 2.0-beta-11 Released - Admin config page

Today, Skvare has released a new version of CiviCRM Entity, 2.0-beta11. This release contains a new feature, an admin configuration page which allows site administrators to disable exposure of entity types to Drupal. CiviCRM Entity is a Drupal module which exposed CiviCRM API entity types as native Drupal entity types, providing Views, Rules, Entity Reference field integration, and Drupal native pages and forms for each. It supports both CiviCRM 4.6 LTS and CiviCRM 4.7. Previous versions of CiviCRM Entity allowed developers to control access to Drupal based pages and forms for entity types

Drupal Fields and CiviCRM Contact Pages

CiviCRM comes out of the box with custom field functionality, and supplies several useful field types. This is great, but what if I want to add data to my CiviCRM contacts that is not one of these field types? What to do? CiviCRM Entity to the rescue! CiviCRM Entity is a Drupal module which exposes many CiviCRM entities as true Drupal entities. That means that almost any module that can use Drupal entities, can access and manipulate CiviCRM data, Drupal style. This includes many commonly used modules such as Views, Rules, Search API, Entityqueue, and many more. The 2.x branch of CiviCRM Entity

Using Drupal Search and Facet APIs with CiviCRM Data

There are two powerful modules used in the Drupal world for creating fast custom searches. Search API is a framework which provides an interface for site builders to create custom searches on any entity known to Drupal. It supports several search backends, including Apache Solr and native database search. It has a flexible API so developers can easily extend, customize, and alter aspects of the search process. Many additional contrib modules are available. Using these techniques, searching millions of records becomes fast and efficient. The Facet API module allows site builders to easily

Developing with CiviCRM Entity and the Drupal API in Drupal 7

If you are a Drupal developer coming new to CiviCRM, it can be a bit of a "culture shock" to realize that CiviCRM is not your typical Drupal module.​ CiviCRM Entity can help a Drupal developer make the transition by enabling them to use some of the standard Drupal API features they have grown accustomed to, while still providing insight into the data structures and interconnections of CiviCRM.