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Training Video: Blending CiviCRM Data with Drupal Content

Watch Part 2 of our CiviCRM Entity 3.0 training series. CiviCRM Entity is a Drupal module that provides enhanced integration with Drupal, allowing developers, site builders, and content creators to utilize powerful Drupal modules including Views, Layout Builder, Media, and Rules. Drupal fields can be added to CiviCRM entity types. It provides Drupal pages and edit forms for all CiviCRM data such as contacts, allowing usage of familiar Drupal content creation tools and workflows. During this training we cover: Entity view modes Using Drupal fields and form displays Drupal-based view ...
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Training Video: Getting Started with CiviCRM Entity 3.0

Watch Part 1 of our CiviCRM Entity 3.0 training series. CiviCRM Entity is the module that provides enhanced integration with Drupal, allowing developers, site builders, and content creators to utilize powerful Drupal modules including Views, Layout Builder, Media, and Rules. Drupal fields can be added to CiviCRM entity types. It provides Drupal pages and edit forms for all CiviCRM data such as contacts, allowing usage of familiar Drupal content creation tools and workflows. During this training we cover: What is a Drupal entity CE = CiviCRM + Entity How to ...
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Getting the most out of CiviCRM Entity 3.0

Ready to take your Drupal 8 (or Drupal 9!) website to the next level with CiviCRM? Then you need the CiviCRM Entity Drupal module. We're pleased to have released version 3.0 earlier this year. Now, it's time for you to learn everything that it can do. Join us for part or all of our upcoming "Using CiviCRM Entity" training series. Part 1: The Basics Wednesday, March 24th, 12-1pm CDT / 5-6pm GMT What is a Drupal entity CE = CiviCRM + Entity How to install CiviCRM Entity THe why and ...
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CiviCRM Entity 8.x-3.0-beta2 released

Skvare is pleased to announce a beta2 release of CiviCRM Entity 3.0. New in this release is support for Drupal 9! If you are considering a new website or upgrading your Drupal 7 site, the time is right to build with Drupal 9. We are building websites with CiviCRM, CiviCRM Entity and Drupal 9 now. Contact Skvare to get consultation, creative Drupal integration and development for your CiviCRM installation, and additional features for CiviCRM Entity. CiviCRM Entity is the module which provides enhanced integration with Drupal, allowing developers, site builders ...
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Migrating your site from Wordpress to Drupal

Wordpress (WP) can be an easy to use open-source content management system (CMS) for simple websites. However Wordpress relies heavily on 3rd party plug-ins to extend its basic functionality. Since plug-ins are created by different developers in the community, it can be difficult for content creators to figure out where to make changes. There may be some plug-ins that provide additional options within WP core’s “posts” or they may have to search through each of the plug-ins to make the changes. It is not a scalable solution if your website ...
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Using Layout Builder to Construct Awesome Event Pages

In our last blog in this series we will be taking the various features and pieces we’ve worked on using the CiviCRM Entity module, and assemble them using the Drupal 8 core theme module, the Layout Builder. Our goal will be to create an attractive event information page (a useful feature for our clients here at Skvare) featuring: Our CiviCRM Support Your JLA event and Slick image slideshow from our previous blog A map to show the event location A list of registered participants Several useful graphs for our event ...
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Customizing Event Pages with Media

Drupal 8 brings several major upgrades to the popular CMS, including the new core media module. The media library allows you to upload, manage, and reuse media (images, audio, video, and files) throughout your site, using a modern, user-friendly interface. As a core module, it also completely integrates with: Image styles Responsive image styles As of version 8.8, the CKEditor! And a host of popular contributed modules such as focal point, retina images, and photoswipe How can I use these with my CiviCRM entities, such as events? These rich media ...
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Contributions and Reports within Views

Reports are an incredibly powerful tool used to develop future forecasts, marketing plans, guide budget planning and improve decision-making. In CiviCRM, one of the most important applications for reporting is in tracking and assessing the various kinds of contributions. Today we will take a look at how to create reports using CiviCRM data within views, a popular use-case for our clients at Skvare. We will then add a chart display using the Charts module for a contribution report to convert it from raw data into easy-to-understand, consumable information with views ...
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Interactive Maps with CiviCRM Addresses

Showing locations on maps is an important feature for many modern websites. At Skvare, we specialize in building websites using open source Drupal and CiviCRM systems. So naturally, being able to use CiviCRM addresses within Drupal pages is a feature we are often asked to develop. Enter the CiviCRM Entity Leaflet submodule for Drupal 8/9. This new addition allows users to access and display their contacts’ address locations, geocoded using the geocoder extension, in fully customizable and easy to use Leaflet-based maps. Neat! How do I configure my contacts? To ...
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CiviCRM Contacts in Drupal 8

Today we are going to explore a common use case for how CiviCRM contacts can integrate with Drupal users using the CiviCRM Entity module. Managing contacts can be a daunting task for organizations, including many of our clients here at Skvare. With needs that include membership subscriptions, group emails, accepting donations, relationships to other contacts and organizations, and more - thankfully, CiviCRM answers each of these in a straightforward and user-friendly way. And by pairing with Drupal we enable custom user profiles, and any combination of contact-content referencing, while making ...
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