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Using the CiviCRM Entity Reference Field submodule with Inline Entity Form

CiviCRM Entity Reference Field is a submodule of the CiviCRM Entity project, which tightly integrates CiviCRM data into Drupal by exposing API entities as Drupal entity types. One of the many advantages of installing the CiviCRM Entity module is the ability to use Drupal’s Entity Reference module to reference CiviCRM data from nodes, terms, or other entity types. Many people are using the Inline Entity Form module, which provides field widgets that allow creating, editing, or deleting referenced entity from the parent form. If you reference CiviCRM contacts via an Entity Reference field and

New field types in CiviCRM Entity - Picking the right tool for the job!

CiviCRM Entity is a contributed module for tightly integrating and extending CiviCRM with Drupal. This module exposes CiviCRM API entities as proper Drupal entity types. Making CiviCRM data available as Drupal entities has many advantages, including integration with Rules, Views integration not provided by the CiviCRM core module, Entityreference, among other popular Drupal modules. I’d like to present another advantage of Drupal entity types, and that is Drupal fields. By enabling CiviCRM Entity, you can add Drupal fields and associate with CiviCRM entity types like Contacts and Events. There

How to make your peer-to-peer fundraiser a success

There are a range of software options out there for conducting peer-to-peer (P2P) fundraisers -- from fully-hosted products, to open source DIY options. Whichever route you go, look for these features when making your selection or building your own. Focus on the user experience Make it fully responsive so people can donate from their tablets and smart phones Make it easy for donors to set up their own fundraising pages Make it personal by giving participants options to add their own images, video and text Make it shareable by email and social media Make it exciting with leader boards and

Peer-to-peer Fundraising

While the traditional tools of development such as donor cultivation, grant writing and galas occupy most of the fundraising space at institutions of higher learning, there’s a growing space for online peer-to-peer fundraising campaigns that are showing a great deal of promise. Peer-to-peer (P2P) fundraising capitalizes on your supporter’s networks to raise money on your behalf.

Drupal Has Become an Automation Management System

If you're a Drupal developer, user or fan, you should be reading the blog of Drupal's founder, Dries Buytaert. If you haven't subscribed, do so, because the future direction of Drupal is being documented and discussed there. Filling out the State of Drupal 2016 Survey this week caused me to reflect on my perception of Drupal and some experiences that I've had recently. I'd like to share these with the community in hopes of stimulating discussion while the vision and strategy for Drupal 8.x and Drupal 9 are being discussed. I may have missed a blog article or two, but I think what Drupal is has

Setting up CiviVolunteer

When it comes to CiviVolunteer, it is not exactly obvious how to use it. There is obviously "The Guide" but it doesn't really tell all the details on how to get around things, and unless you are a very experienced user who knows CiviCRM by heart with eyes, closed you might spend quite some time on figuring out where to click, what to enable and what not. There are several questions to ask yourself before you start working with CiviVolunteer: Will my event be a one time thing? Do I want to create my event both for paying participants and volunteers at once? Do I want to manage volunteers myself


We have four presentations this week - two advanced topics and two community discussions. Hope you'll join us at a few of these sessions! Skvare is proud to be a Gold Sponsor of CiviCon Colorado 2016 and an Empowering Sponsor and Founding Contributor Sponsor for CiviCRM.

Enter Today for a Chance to Win a Ticket to CiviCon Colorado!

CiviCon Colorado Ticket Giveaway Skvare is Gold Sponsor of the CiviCon 2016 in Fort Collins, CO and we are giving gave away one complimentary registration to the conference on June 2­-3, 2016 ($229 value). Sprint and training days, lodging, food and transportation not included. Thank you to all who participated! Please head on over to our registration page to sign up see who won.

Find us at Drupaldelphia 2016 on April 8

We're looking forward to Drupaldelphia 2016 this Friday. Jeremy Proffitt, Senior Developer at Skvare, will be on hand for the annual Drupal camp in the City of Brotherly Love. The all-day conference will be at the Pennsylvania Convention Center at 1101 Arch St., Philadelphia, PA, 19107. If you'd like to talk to Jeremy about nonprofit and business solutions built with CiviCRM and Drupal, you can find him attending these sessions, or catch up with him on Twitter.