Helping Others Help Others

Bryan Daniels Named Senior Project Manager

Bryan Daniels built his first website when he was a teen, a single-page fan site for a band. “I’ve been working with websites since I was 13 years old. I started out teaching myself HTML and building a webpage with Notepad. It’s just something that has always interested me,” Daniels said. His passion for learning and interest in website development led him to join the then-small team of three at Skvare in 2015. Fast forward 7 years and not only has the company grown but so has Daniels’ role. Today, he is the Senior Project Manager helping to guide a team that now includes multiple project

Ahmet Dereli Joins Skvare as a DevOps engineer

Finding unsolved problems and resolving complex issues may sound like the plot of the next big-budget Hollywood thriller, but for Ahmet Dereli, it’s all in a day’s work. Dereli isn’t a movie star, but he does describe his role as a DevOps engineer at Skvare as unique and exciting. "The best part of my job is the satisfaction of resolving complex issues and achieving problem-solving success. It is also fulfilling to work in a field that few people understand,” he said. Originally from the fabled Turkish capital of Istanbul, Dereli and his wife moved to the Mediterranean seaport of Antalya

Open Source CiviCRM Extension for Custom Field Limit Notifications

Skvare is proud to announce the release of the CiviCRM - Database Custom Field Check. The DBCF extension notifies the user when no additional custom fields can be added to a custom field group because the table size has reached its limit. This prevents the user from creating a field that cannot be used, saving time and frustration. By notifying users when no additional custom fields can be added to a custom field group, the extension helps prevent wasted effort and ensures that data is accurately stored and used. Custom fields are a crucial feature of CiviCRM, allowing users to store

Keep CiviCRM Clean and Fast with Skvare's New Manage Group Extension

Skvare is excited to announce the release of a new CiviCRM extension - Manage Group. This extension was developed to make group management easier and more efficient for CiviCRM users. As a feature-rich CRM system, CiviCRM allows organizations to group contacts together in various ways, including basic and smart groups. However, outdated and unused groups can have a significant performance impact on the system, which can ultimately hinder an organization's productivity. Regular maintenance and monitoring of CiviCRM is just as important as spring cleaning a home. With Skvare's Manage Group

Streamline Donor Management and Engagement with CiviCRM

Nonprofits, associations, and educational organizations require effective donor management and engagement strategies to support their operations, and CiviCRM is a powerful tool to support this goal. CiviCRM is a feature rich constituent relationship management system specifically designed for nonprofit and civic sector organizations. With CiviCRM, these organizations can efficiently manage their donor data, create reports, and analyze metrics to inform their fundraising and outreach efforts. CiviCRM and additional extensions give organizations tools to streamline donor management and

Choosing the Right Project Management Methodology for Your Web Development

When working on a project, you should consider the project management methodology that is best for the type of project you are planning. Project Management Methodology is a set of guidelines to plan and accomplish defined goals of a project. The two most popular schools of thought are Waterfall and Agile. The waterfall method has been around since 1970. It’s what clients typically expect when they are working with a project manager. It’s a linear approach. Agile methodologies were formally launched in 2001 and some have considered it to be the “best way to approach a project.” However, there

Making Links Easier to Follow

Links are a critical component of any website. They allow users to navigate to different sections of the website or even to external pages to consume content, network with other users, make online purchases, and do many other activities. Without links, a website would be a single page. Given their importance, it is a wonder that so much thought goes into a URL but so little into a “Read More” link. Many users rely on context clues to understand a link’s destination. A headline followed by teaser text and a read more link likely goes to the complete article, but for users with visual

Why Drupal

Drupal is a free and open-source content management system used by nearly 1 out of every 5 of the top 10,000 websites worldwide.

Skvare partnership with The Leapfrog Group helping to improve patient safety

The Leapfrog Group, a national watchdog organization of employers and other purchasers focused on health care safety and quality, recently launched the Leapfrog Judie Burrows Education Institute to help educate patients about hospital safety in their area. Skvare has been Leapfrog's technology partner since 2018, supporting the organization's Drupal, CiviCRM, and LimeSurvey systems. Through this relationship, Skvare is proud to provide the technical support needed to not only gather data from hundreds of medical providers across the county but also help implement ways to disseminate that

Skvare adds Business Analyst to Help Ensure Client Success

Every organization has its technology needs and no two are exactly alike. At Skvare, our team recognizes the importance of understanding the unique needs of each client and has created a new, dedicated Business Analyst role to work with business partners on a plan for successful project implementation. With a diverse background that includes consulting for nonprofit membership organizations; operations management; and nonprofit accounting, compliance, and operational best practices, Sara Raab, who joined Skvare at the beginning of 2019 as a project manager, brings a host of skills to this new